The 12 dog breeds with the best sense of smell

1. Bloodhound

The Bloodhound Wins The Ultimate Sniffer Contest!

The bloodhound is the preeminent tracking dog for hunting as well as search and rescue. Their large, floppy ears waft scents from the earth up to their noses as they track their quarry, while the heavy folds of skin over his neck and shoulders trap scents near his nose. The nostrils of the bloodhound are large and wide open to absorb the maximum particles possible. The bloodhound has the most olfactory sensors of any breed, with some 300 million scent receptors. They can be used as both ground and air scent tracking dogs.

The bloodhound is an old breed. Their name is derived from the term “blooded hound” referring to breeder’s early efforts to maintain clean lines; blooded means aristocratic in nature. The bloodhound is a tireless and persistent worker. They can be shy and are sensitive to praise and scolding. That said, as a powerful and tenacious dog, they do need to be handled firmly, to remember who is in charge.

Bloodhound's sensitive nose is used by police departments the world over.

Want to know more about how dogs “see” with their noses?? Check it out HERE.

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