New Studies Show Humans Love Dogs More Than Other Humans

What if a human and a dog stood side-by-side and both needed help, but you could only choose one. It wouldn’t be an easy decision, would it?

The bond between human and dog is an incredible thing. It’s amazing to see what people will do for their beloved dogs, whether it’s throwing them an extravagant birthday party or making sure they only eat the highest quality kibble.

Some studies reveal when it comes to feeling empathy, many people pick pooches over other people. Does that surprise you?

Now, research from Northeastern University in Boston suggests that the human-canine bond trumps almost all other relationships.

For their study, Northeastern professors Jack Levin and Arnold Arluke set out to find out just how strongly we feel about dogs compared to adults and children.

The co-authors gathered 240 men and women between the ages of 18 and 25 and measured their levels of empathy when told about the suffering of a dog, compared to the suffering of a child or adult.

Unsurprisingly, stories of a dog’s suffering and a child’s suffering elicited the strongest responses from participants, whereas stories of adult victims made the respondents “significantly less distressed.”

Move on to the next page to learn more about this fascinating study on human empathy, and make sure to SHARE it with your dog-loving friends!

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