Dog does everything to be friends with this cat– but now watch his final tactic

All pet owners know that if their is a dog and a cat living together in the same household, no matter how big the dog, the cat will always be the boss!

Cats have the “Calm and Assertive” attitude down to a “T” which makes them natural pack leaders, plus, they take no shit!

So what happens when super cute dogs try to make friends with their “Master” cat? Funny as hell is what happens! This video is a compilation of the best “Dogs annoying cats with friendship” that you can find on Youtube. So sit back, relax and have a good laugh!

In this clip, which has been seen over 6 million times, we first watch several different dogs come up with a wide variety of tactics, tricks and methods to seduce their hairy buds. Unfortunately, more often then not, this results in a complete – albeit adorably hilarious- fail for man’s best friend.

So adorable! Share these two minutes of absolute cuteness with your famly and friends and help bring a smile to someone’s face today!

But keep watching – things do suddenly take a different turn…

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