There’s a Dog Hidden In The Photo – Can You Find It?

Optical illusions occur because our brain is trying to interpret what we see and make sense of the world around us.

There are many different types of illusions, and every person sees them differently, depending on what part of the picture they focus on.

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One optical illusion which has recently been making its way around the Internet is this photo of and old bearded man wearing a hat. But this picture is actually much more than that.

If you look closely, you will find that there is a dog hidden in the photo. But the thing about optical illusions is that you need to study them in all different ways and perspectives.


Sure, when you look at it like normal it’s an old man. But try looking at it in other ways. Do you see the dog yet? If you’re still stumped, we’ll help you out.

Look at the man’s face upside down. Then it suddenly turns into a dog sitting on a rug eating a bone! Once you see the dog, it will be difficult to see the old man again because your brain now knows it as the dog!

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