This 5-second trick will help determine if the ground is too hot for your dog’s feet

In this video, a man demonstrates how hot the ground can be during a day with only an air temperature of 80 degrees using a handy infrared thermometer.

Depending on what surface he measures, it ranges anywhere from 90-113 degrees! So even on a relaxing day with a slightly lower temperature, the ground can be uncomfortable to your dog.

“This is what happens when a dog is walked on surfaces that are too hot! So folks, always check the sidewalk or road – if it’s too hot for you, it’s definitely too hot for your pets!”

Hip Dog Canine Hydrotherapy & Fitness

According to Pet Sitters, 140-degree pavement will cause permanent damage to your dog’s paws in just one minute. At 150 degrees, their paws can burn and blister on contact.

Here's a quick trick to help you determine if the ground is safe for your pooch. Rest the backside of your hand on the ground for five seconds; if it’s uncomfortable to you, it’s uncomfortable to your dog.

Other safety measures include: Dog booties or socks, taking walks in the morning or late at night, staying in grassy areas, and moisturizing your pup’s feet.

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