Stray Dog Finds An Abandoned Human Baby – And Her Maternal Instincts Kick In

A stray dog named Way, from Argentina, became the talk of the town recently when she came across an abandoned 1-month-old child in an alleyway one night. Apparently, the child’s 33-year-old mother left the baby to die in the freezing winter temperatures.

Way had a litter of puppies of her own, so her maternal instincts to protect her young were in full effect. She and her puppies surrounded the child and kept the infant warm all night; rescuers agreed that Way saved the baby from certain death. 

Way became an instant hero, and the local news covered her incredible rescue story.

Resident Alejandra Griffa heard the baby’s cries the following morning. She immediately rushed the baby to hospital, and the child’s mother was detained by authorities. 

Watch the Argentinian video newscast of this unbelievable love story on the next page…

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