Rescue dog barks incessantly at owner, leads owner to a ditch where naked little girl lies

Last year, a dog formerly named Petunia was suffering from broken legs, ribs, and a stomach full of carpet. Her former owner was convicted of animal abuse. Fortunately, she was rescued by Delta Animal Shelter and then was adopted into a loving home. Last week, the former shelter dog was the one doing the rescuing.

On March 17, 2017, the 2-year-old dog now named Peanut, started barking uncontrollably while inside her home in Escanaba, Michigan. Peanut’s personality was usually shy so her behavior was unusual. According to Delta Animal Shelter’s Facebook page, Peanut was running up and down the stairs barking and yelping. She then went and alerted her owner that she wanted to go outside and when she was let out, she went barreling into the field behind their house at full speed. After following her, the man spotted a naked little girl shivering and curled up into a ball.

“He called 911 and reported the incident. By the time the ambulance and police arrived, the little girl could only say one thing – ‘doggie.’ Thanks to Peanut, a little girl’s life was saved today. She has been such a blessing to us, and now to others,” Peanut’s owner said on the shelter’s Facebook page.

Michigan’s Delta County Sheriff’s Office confirmed the family’s story in a news statement and credited Peanut to alerting her owner of the child’s presence.

According to CBS News, the little girl was not injured and was transported to a nearby hospital for tests, while deputies went door to door in an attempt to find her parents. After further investigation, it turned out that the child’s former home was unveiled unsafe and unsanitary living conditions.

The sheriff’s office reported, “Child Protective Services was contacted and the found girl along with another young female were eventually removed from the residence.”

Everyone involved was thankful for Peanut’s “sixth sense” and if it weren’t for her incessant barking, the little girl may not have been discovered for a while. Although Peanut was abused in her past life, it didn’t stop her from becoming a heroic little dog.

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