Dog Suffered Such Awful Abuse That She Was Too Terrified To Even Look At Her Rescuers

In every corner of the world that you can think of, there are animals who experience nonstop abuse. No matter where you go or who you speak with, animal abuse is more widespread than ever. It is really sad to know that animals cannot escape mistreatment no matter where they are on Earth and stories like these go to show that we have a long way to go as a society before we can honestly say that we are doing right by our animal friends.

Dogs love to make us happy and few things please them more than being sweet and kind to their humans. Sadly enough, they will still show humans love even when they are being abused. But even a dog has their limits and once their trust in humans is broken, nothing is able to fix it. These kind and intelligent creatures have a way of knowing when the world no longer cares about them.

All it takes is just one look at the dog in this story to know that they have experienced a great deal of abuse in their relatively short life. Angel is a greyhound mix and thanks to the good people at Ireland’s PAWS Animal Rescue group, she has been given a much needed and well deserved second chance at life. Once she arrived at the shelter, it was clear that there was work to be done.

Angel did not want any of her rescuers to come near her and the only thing she would do is sit in a corner. She would face the wall and it was easy to tell that she was very nervous due to the abuse she had suffered. The staff took their time with her and was quick to show her that they had her best interests at heart. Poor Angel had never experienced such kindness.

After awhile, she began to emerge from her shell and mingle with the staff members. Once she realized that she was perfectly safe, she even began to interact with some of the other dogs on site. She received her first opportunity to play with toys and once she got used to enjoying games with other dogs and staff members, this became one of her favorite activities.

If you would like to learn more about Angel’s story, then take a moment to watch the video below and be sure to pass it along to all of the dog lovers in your life.

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