Woman Dumps Dogs In A Remote Area, Shamelessly Escapes When Caught On Cam

A woman was passing by a remote patch of land in San Antonio, Texas when she noticed a silver car pull over by the roadside. A woman stepped out of the car and started forcing her three dogs out in order to dump them.

Source: YouTube/ViralHog

The passerby started videotaping the woman’s act, while also reasoning with her to not abandon her dogs in such an irresponsible manner. She kept telling her to use the help of animal services, or at least do the right thing and surrender them to a shelter.

But the owner brazenly ignores the sincere pleas of the passerby. Within seconds, the dogs are pushed out of the car, and the woman drives off. However, the woman’s face and her license plate number were clearly captured in the video.

Source: YouTube/ViralHog

The kind, patient passerby was not able to coax the owner of the dogs, but she called for help, and got the dogs under proper care. This video, however, went viral, and soon, the owner’s life became a nightmare with all the notoriety she attracted.

Facebook/City of San Antonio Animal Care Services

She eventually had to come clean about her acts to Animal Care Services. She will be facing charges for class A misdemeanor in Texas, which can lead to a hefty fine, and even jail time. We hope this case stands as a lesson for people who abandon animals without the least bit of concern.

Check out the video below to watch the woman dumping her dogs in the middle of nowhere.

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