Dog’s Unexpected Reaction To Her Own Fart Will Crack You Up

Passing gas is a part of life. It’s not the prettiest subject to talk about but hey, it can be pretty funny, if you know what I mean.

Just take this video for instance. Watching it will make you laugh, LOUDLY, I guarantee it!

Source: Kayla Eggers/YouTube

Meet Lucy! A gorgeous 7-month-old German Shepherd. She’s lounging about on her sofa when she’s totally caught off guard, by herself.

Her human is filming her when suddenly the loudest, longest fart echoes in the background. Her human starts to giggle. Lucy has no idea what that sound was, then a smell wafts in her direction.

Source: Kayla Eggers/YouTube

Oh my god, what is that smell?! Is that me? OH NO, IT IS ME!

Source: Kayla Eggers/YouTube

Lucy’s reaction is priceless. I watched the video five times before I could give it a rest. It’s one of those things that make you laugh ’til you snort.

Don’t forget to share this precious bit of fun with your friends! It’ll put a smile on their faces for sure!

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