30 Reasons Why Rottweilers Are The Most Dangerous Pets. #30 Is So Scary

21. They look classier than you

22. They’ll kill you…

23. With cuteness!

24. Did I mention that they like to hog the bed?

25. They’ll read over your shoulder

26. And you won’t be able to say no to play time

27. They’re known to eat…. plants

28. Don’t leave them alone with small animals

29. Or big ones, either

30. Rottweilers are just too cute.

How could you have such a vicious and ferocious animal in your home?

Seriously though, there’s nothing wrong with rottweilers other than your misconceived notion about them. Animals aren’t born mean and vicious.

Please SHARE these lovable Rottweilers with your friends and family members and show them the reasons to own one!

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