Depressed dog grieves after losing his best friend. A friendly duck notices and comforts him

Dogs are notorious for chasing and scaring away birds, but George quickly warmed up to the quacking newcomer, who the Littons named Donald.



Ever since Donald’s mysterious arrival, George has not cried once and his sad demeanor is quickly diminishing, revealing the sprightly George he was in days prior.

“We have no idea where this duck came from but he sure does love George,” Jacquie said.

The two have stuck like glue, and George even gave Donald his bed.


During the short amount of time they’ve been together, Donald’s companionship has revived an aging dog from a spiraling depression, and you can see just how happy George is to have a new best friend.



This fur-and-feather friendship shows us it’s never too late to make a new friend, even with those we would least expect to form connections with. Words are not always necessary when we seek comfort. Sometimes all we need is a reliable shoulder—or in this case, a coat of feathers—to lean on.

In the adorable video clips below, you can see George and Donald strolling and waddling around the Littons’ yard together. From the looks (or sounds) of it, Donald seems like quite the chatterbox, and George the kind and patient listener.

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