This Hungry English Bulldog Is Proof That Dogs Can Communicate Without Barking or Whining

This adorable English Bulldog's owner must have taken up Psychology 101! He sure seems to know quite a bit about Classical Conditioning.

Classical conditioning (also known as Pavlovian or respondent conditioning) is a learning process in which an innate response to a potent stimulus comes to be elicited in response to a previously neutral stimulus; this is achieved by repeated pairings of the neutral stimulus with the potent stimulus.

It introduces items to dogs that will make them associate that particular item to food. In this case, it is the bell. The dog rings the bell, he is given food.

The more he rings the bell, the more the owner feeds him food and eventually association takes place. The dog rings the bell, he gets food; bell = food. The dog will eventually start to salivate whenever he sees the bell.

This type of experiment and training eventually help us understand our dogs a little better. They don’t need to bark nor whine just to let us know that they are hungry. All they need to do is ring the bell.

Let’s just hope that they don’t do this too often, thinking that they have room service, haha!

Check out the adorable and amazing video on the next page:

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