A horse sees his long lost mate. When he runs up to him, their reunion is unforgettable

It's easy to forget that animals can have feelings that closely resemble those of humans. But cows can have best friends, dogs are slavishly loyal to their owners, lions have close-knit family packs and dolphins work together in pods to hunt food and protect one another. Whether we realize it or not, animals are more like us than they are different.

That certainly is true for the horses featured in the video. Owner Sue Blagburn explains on her YouTube video how, in 2012, she “repurchased Arthur, a horse that (she) bred but had to sell four and a half years previously in 2008.”

As soon as Arthur enters the paddock, the other two gallop over, thrilled to see their childhood friend.

“This 5 minute film is the editing down of almost an hour of extraordinary footage of amazing hugging and communicating, that even I didn't think would be quite so loving and extraordinary,” Blagburn adds.

Watch as Arthur is reunited after four years apart with the two horses with whom he was raised as a foal, Harry and William in the video on the next page!

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