Funny Dog Mocks Human Brother’s Broken Leg ‘Walk’ Behind His Back

Dogs are extremely smart and super compassionate animals, and that’s why they make such good pets. But the video below will make you wonder about one dog’s intentions.

Is Sawyer being funny by mocking his human brother’s walk on crutches, or is he copying him as a way to show solidarity and sympathy? You be the judge. 😉

The boy walks into the room hobbling and limping around on his crutches, and right behind him is his dog, Sawyer.

Sawyer is not hurt himself, but he’s started to walk like this ever since his brother got crutches. Mom and Dad had to record it to show everyone!

The dog strolls into the room behind his brother’s back doing some limping on his own and favoring the one front leg.

For whatever reason the dog is doing this, it just shows how smart and aware dogs really are! 🙂

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