A Goodbye Letter From Your Pet

Here's the video of the Goodbye Letter from pets to humans, an illustrated, spoken-word version of a poem that is so beautifully written you'll get all the feels, guaranteed!

Check out the video below! …and SHARE this with your friends and family!

More: 10 Things You Should Never, Ever Do To Your Dog

Also, check out the poem in written format below the video.

Here's the poem in written text:

Letting someone in your heart's the bravest part of life.
And when we have to let them go, we pay a heavy price.

This (refinished) video is for anyone mourning the loss of a beloved pet. Whoever you are, however you're hurting, thank you for loving your friend. For reveling in the privilege of ushering another creature safely through its life, from beginning to end. For playing. For feeding and brushing. For giving them a tender home when they might've known none.

Know that you are not alone. And, again, on behalf of the dog or cat or horse or bird or whatever manner of critter you now find yourself missing…

THANK YOU for sharing your heart.

More: 10 Healthiest ‘People Foods’ You Should Be Feeding Your Dog

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