Babies Were Dropped In A Trash Bin While Seizing Because They’re “Imperfect”

In a recent rescue story by He’Art Of Rescue International, two puppies were found near a garbage bin. They had been thrown out like trash.

They had been callously discarded because they weren’t perfect. The puppies suffer from seizures amongst other common ailments.

Source: He’Art of Rescue International/Youtube

Thankfully, someone found the pair and called for help. When rescuers arrived, the two puppies were shaking uncontrollably. It’s not their fault that they are sick and imperfect.

Yet they suffered, two babies who deserve nurturing were instead abandoned, not knowing what was going on and if they would be okay.

The rescuers named the pair Hansel and Gretel. By the time they were found, the puppies were in critical condition.

They raced them back to the clinic for immediate medical care. The pups are lethargic from dehydration and lack of food.

Source: He’Art of Rescue International/Youtube

Hansel and Gretel also test positive for Parvo. They will receive treatment for that as well. This is all costly and the clinic has limited resources. The next step will be an MRI to determine the cause of the seizures.

Source: He’Art of Rescue International/Youtube

The rescuers and medical team are hopeful. But because they are young, they are also realistic. We are so happy that the puppies will get the chance to recover and hopefully find homes.

This sadly happens too often when people do not neuter or spay their pets. Unwanted litters, and unhealthy puppies from lack of veterinary care, are dumped and we are left to pick up the pieces.

Source: He’Art of Rescue International/Youtube

But when found and rescued, these animals get the chance they deserve and will hopefully go on to live full, happy lives filled with tons of love.

Like many rescue groups, He’Art operates solely on donations. We are not asking you to donate but ask that you do what you can to share this story.

Bringing awareness and understanding the ongoing battle these rescue groups face, will hopefully help them bring in the donations they need to save more lives.

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