2 stray puppies were rescued, and they refuse to stop hugging each other

The Internet is going crazy over two puppies who can’t help but hug each other.

After being reportedly adopted by Vietnamese nuns from living on the streets of Ho Chi Minh City, the two pups have become absolutely inseparable. According to the Daily Mail, the pair was taken in by the temple and now live at the shrine with Buddhists.

The bigger of the two puppies hugs his little friend tightly to his chest, in a heart-melting gesture of friendship.

Who could have possibly given up these two sweethearts? Their story was reportedly first shared through the social media site Weibo, where it went viral as people reacted in outrage and disbelief at their mistreatment.

Thankfully, it doesn’t look like these little guys are planning on letting go any time soon, despite comfortably settling into their new home. Little information is known about where this temple is located, but fingers crossed for an update on their story!

The littler puppy strikes a pose on his own for the cameras.

Finally getting to relax!

After living on the streets, the bigger pup can rest easy knowing he’s found a home. If you ever see any stray or abandoned animals, please be sure to contact your local animal control or rescue shelter!

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