This Husky Mom Playing With Her Puppies Will Make Your Day

Here's the video of the Siberian Husky mom joyfully plays with her seven adorable pups! Watching them play reminded me of this concept of ‘playful parenting' by Lawrence Cohen:

“Play can be the long-sought bridge back to that deep emotional bond between parent and child. Play, with all its exuberance and delighted togetherness, can ease the stress of parenting. Playful Parenting is a way to enter a child's world, on the child's terms, in order to foster closeness, confidence, and connection.”

Children need to play. It's their work. All mammals play; it's their way of learning skills they'll need when they're full-grown, from finding food to getting along with others. This Husky mom knows this instinctively!

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Check out the video below! …and please SHARE this with your friends and make them smile today!

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