Husky Mom Starts To Howl, Then Her Puppies Imitate Her In Adorable Fashion

As we are growing up, we look to our parents and older siblings to show us the ropes and learn new things. But this isn’t the case for just humans; many different species of animals teach their young how to hunt for food, how to communicate with each other, and all of the tools necessary for survival.

Oftentimes, puppies learn by modeling the behavior of other dogs, especially when it’s their mother. According to Psychology Today, puppies show tendencies to imitate the behaviors of others from an early age and this continues throughout their lives.


Huskies in the wild howl to communicate with themselves, but just because they’ve been domesticated, doesn’t mean the howling has left them.

In the video below, you’ll see a mother Husky teaching her litter of puppies how to howl. As she opens her mouth and lets out her loud howl, her babies imitate her in adorable fashion with their squeaky little howls.


Ana posted the video on Instagram which has been shared all over social media and has since gone viral. Ana has two Huskies, Aurora and Axel. Aurora is the mother who gave birth to the five adorable puppies who are learning to howl. It sounds like they needed a bit more practice, but I’m sure they got plenty of it!


Once the puppies were old enough, Ana adopted out three of them to loving homes. She decided to keep two of them and named them Athena and Chief. The two pups and their parents make up the cutest little family. You can follow all of their adventures on their Instagram page.

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This would be heaven for me.<3 Instagram: ana_wolfgang

Posted by Husky Overload on Monday, July 31, 2017

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