It’s the holidays again! Oh boy, I love this time of year. The air is chilly, snow is on the way, and best of all – the parties! My human loves traveling the country, spendng time with all their family and friends.
First it’s their mom and dad, then Aunt Dina and Uncle Will. After that it’s cousin Sheila and her son Jackson, then it’s everyone meeting up again and Grandma Jo and Grandpa Eustace’s.
This means my human and I get to spend loooooots of time at cozy hotels, eating good breakfasts before meeting the folks. And in case you weren’t in on the secret: hotels rock!
You have someone come in and get a nice bedroom all ready for you, and the TV channels are all in a totally different order every time! It’s such an adventure!
But the absolute best part? The BEDS! Hotel beds are the some of the best you’ll ever lay on. The mattresses are fluffy, the pillows are cushiony, and the blankets are so warm!
I just looooove to break in a new bed when my human and I get to a hotel room.
Jumping On the Bed Is An Awesome Treat

It’s always a bit uncomfortable at first. Like, sometimes I worry I’m taking someone else’s bed, so my human has to remind me that I can definitely jump on the bed – it’s okay!
Ooooh, that first jump is always the best. Feeling the soft, cushy, squishy bed just fold around you. It’s like that bed that’s too soft from the story of Goldilocks, except it’s perfect for me! I love when a bed feels like a giant pillow. A bed that’s too hard can be really uncomfy and annoying!
I almost have to channel my inner cat here, finding just the right spot before I lie down. Now I see why they do it and get their claws involved! Finding the right sleeping spot is just heavenly. I could stay in this room all week. Do we have to visit your family?
Oh boy, I can’t wait to check out all the movies that we can rent and the room service food we can order! We’re gonna have a PAR-TAY! We’re gonna eat, drink, and be merry.
I gotta say, I prefer it when it’s just the two of us. No old relatives pinching your cheeks like a baby, and no rowdy nieces or nephews for me to contend with! This is nice, isn’t it?

I can’t stop dancing on this nice and soft bed. I do another jig and lay down again, so I’m facing my owner. Soft, soft, soft. Me likey this bed. I love, love it a lot!
I Love the Soft Things In Life

My human always waits until later to break in her bed. It makes sense, she’s gotta put on her sleeping clothes and clean her teeth and do all sorts of nighttime stuff that us doggos don’t have to worry about.
I’m a little jealous, though. Those sleeping masks she always has look extra comfortable. No way to see the sun until it’s time to get up, so no waking up in the early morning just as the sun’s coming up! I need to get me one of those – I wonder if they make them in doggie sizes?
Ahh, I wonder if we can stay here forever? I’m pretty sure my owner can afford the hotel bill. Now that she has introduced me to the soft things in life, is it my fault if I’m already addicted to the luxury?
Well until I get the answer to that question can we go to sleep already? Good night and good luck getting me off this bed anytime soon!