Despite the flood, couple refuses to let go of their dogs. These photos prove the meaning of love.

What would you do if a natural disaster struck your home? What if you had to leave your pets behind? One couple from Japan found themselves in a horrifying situation, but despite the danger to their lives, they wouldn't leave without their beloved dogs.

The city and citizens of Joso, which is north of Tokyo, were overwhelmed by a series of torrential downpours that caused the Kinugawa River to overflow. Flash flooding then occurred, wiping out whole neighborhoods in mere moments.

An especially devastating flood happened on September 10, 2015. Almost 90,000 people were evacuated from Joso because of the danger to their lives. In desperation, many people crawled to the roofs of their homes hoping for rescue.

Emergency personnel in helicopters swept over the city, transporting the stranded people huddled together on top of their houses to safety.

At one home, emergency responders were amazed to find a couple clinging to their Shibu Ina dogs! The man held tightly to his older dog, while the woman refused to let go of her puppy. Despite the danger to their lives, neither one of these loyal people would leave without bringing their dog with them.

The selflessness that his couple showed was well warranted. The flash flooding was so severe that it destroyed most of the homes in Joso. The man and woman's dogs would never have survived water at these levels.

The love that this couple has for their dogs knows no bounds. Willing to sacrifice their lives if necessary, neither person would leave their best friend and companion behind.

Watch the miraculous rescue of this couple and their dogs in the video below. Share this heroic example of love and loyalty with your friends and family on Facebook!

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