Artist imagines ‘if animals could talk,’ creates hilarious comics showing what it might be like


All dogs have a purpose– to love with all their tail wagging, licks, and hugs. Whatever their purpose is, it’s safe to say, they always complete the task to the best of their abilities.


If animals had the ability to lie, the feline species would definitely do it all the time!


Unless you are a student or alumni of the University of California, Irvine (ZOT! ZOT! ZOT! Or as Barack Obama would pronounce it, “Zoot! Zoot! Zoot…”) and are familiar with the university’s Peter the Anteater mascot, most people have no idea what an anteater is or what it looks like.

Which makes sense because an anteater looks like an overgrown skunk with a furry elephant trunk. It’s confusing but adorable. The anteaters have very long sticky tongues which are covered with thousands of little hooks to scoop up all the ants. Not sure why or how, but ants are delicious to them. To each their own.

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