Meet The Oldest Known Living Animal, Born Before The Lightbulb Was Invented

This incredible animal, a tortoise named Jonathan, has roamed the Earth longer than any known living creature alive. <— READ THAT SENTENCE AGAIN!  (Mind. Blown.)

Source: AFP News Agency/YouTube

When Jonathan was born, the lightbulb had yet been invented. There were no cars on the roads, and there was certainly no social media!

Jonathan is approximately 187 years old. He lives on St. Helena, a remote island in the South Atlantic. He has been a resident there since the late 1880s.

Source: Wikipedia/By David Stanley from Nanaimo, Canada – World’s Oldest Reptile

His main caretaker is Teeny Lucy with the SPCA. Jonathan lives on the grounds of the governor’s beautiful historic mansion.

“Jonathan is an icon here,” Lucy told The Dodo. “He is a grand old gentleman who has seen it all. He landed on St. Helena in 1882 as a fully grown adult; he has seen generations of people coming and going.”

Take a look at Jonathan in the photo below!

Source: Wikipedia

It’s believed that Jonathan is blind but his caretakers believe he can still hear pretty well.

Jonathan enjoys spending time with his caretaker (pictured below), sunning himself and eating a proper diet loaded with fruits and veggies.

Source: Teeny Lucy/Facebook

“Being the oldest land animal in the world, he has almost royal status here,” Lucy said. “He is dignified and interacts in a friendly way as long as people move slowly around him. We are all very fond of him.”

Jonathan is a living testament of history. It’s astounding how much he has seen, and heard, during his years on earth.

Source: AFP News Agency/YouTube

For several years, his caretakers and the governor have been prepared for his passing. They even wrote a heartfelt obituary to honor the legendary tortoise– but with every passing year, this boy is still going strong.

What a marvel! Learn more about Jonathan in the video below!

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