Some animals have special needs, and can’t get around as easily as other pets. But thankfully, there are kind owners who are willing to go the extra mile to help their pets live their best lives.
Like one cat owner, who has found a clever way to let her special needs cat see the world: a clear backpack.
Sarge, a two-year-old cat, has a condition called cerebellar hypoplasia. According to People, her cerebellum didn’t develop properly, leading to motor skill issues that prevent her from walking.
“Sarge was born this way and has a really severe case,” Sarge’s owner Michelle Donlick, who runs the nonprofit Avalo Cat Sanctuary in Aiken, South Carolina, told People. “She can’t walk at all; she lays on her side, and she kind of flops wherever she wants to go, but she’s not in any pain.”
While the cat can’t get around on her own, Michelle still wanted to find a way to let her travel around with her, seeing sights outside the house.
Searching for a solution, she found a clear plastic backpack, with air holes, on Amazon, and realized it would be the perfect way to carry Sarge around town.
With Sarge safely attached to her back, Michelle hit the town, offering the cat a view of the world she had never seen due to her disability. Together, they visited the local market, strolled the beach and even went to restaurants.
“People were so excited to see us and meet her. She just looks amused in the backpack,” Michelle said. “She sits there swaying back and forth, and she moves around a lot so that she can look out and see everybody. She really likes the attention. She’s a really sweet girl.”
The day out was such a success that Michelle is planning another trip out with Sarge — and this time, she’s bringing friends.
Michelle told People that she has ordered even more clear backpacks, so other special needs cats in her care can have their own day out.
“We can take them all out in their own backpacks and all go sightseeing together,” Michelle said.
Thank you to Michelle for finding such a clever way to help your cat see the world.
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