Rescuers Come Across Puppy Taking Its Final Breaths Beside A Cardboard Box

Animal Aid Unlimited received a call about an unconscious puppy near the road and on the verge of death. When they arrived, they saw the pup lying beside a cardboard box with the labored breathing that normally comes right before death. They weren’t sure she was going to make it, but they rushed her back to the hospital as fast as possible.

The poor puppy was in shock from extreme dehydration, and it was hard to place the IV catheter she needed because her blood pressure was so low. They were eventually able to give her the fluids she needed and hoped she’d make it through the night, but they had some serious doubts.

In the morning, sweet little Lilly surprised everyone. After just 24 hours, her progress had been miraculous! You’re about to see how she’s doing now. 🙂

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