Loyal Pit Bull Leapt Into Action To Save His Human From Venomous Snake

McCormack rushed Arlo to BluePearl Pet Hospital in Nashville, where he was given anti-venom, pain medication and CBD oil.

His neck and face was very swollen, and his eye was almost completely swollen shut, but he is healing and is expected to make a full recovery.

Inside Edition/Youtube

“To think how much loyalty, and love he had for me, to risk his own life for mine, it’s really special,” McCormack told WTVF. “We’re both lucky to have each other for sure.”

Sadly, Arlo wasn’t the only dog at BluePearl Pet Hospital that day with a snake bite. According to the animal hospital, they’ve already treated more than a dozen snake bite cases this summer alone in their area.

Inside Edition/Youtube

McCormack hopes Arlo’s story will warn people of the dangers of snakes, not just to humans but pets as well.

Watch more of the story in the video below:

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