Man Kills His Puppy, Judge Decides He’s Not Going To Go Easy On This Monster

When dog killer, Michael Sutton, pled guilty to killing his dog for urinating in his bed, he appeared before Judge Cicconetti.

He was found guilty of throwing his puppy out of a sixth-story apartment window to his death. Since this was not Sutton’s first offense, the judge threw the book at him.

He received a six-month jail sentence, five years probation, and he is forbidden from ever owning animals. Can you say ‘best sentence ever?’

Source: Washington Post

The judge told Sutton that he is brutal and savage, and that he would love to put him in a dumpster.

Watch as the animal-loving judge socks it to the dog killer. We salute, cyber hug, and applaud you, Judge Cicconetti!

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