Dog Dies Inside Hot Car After Teenager Rolls Windows Up, Locks It & Walks Away

Reports of dogs being locked in hot cars are rampant these days. Sadly, dogs get sick and often die at the hands of owners who allow them to suffer in scorching hot vehicles.

The latest case of a dog in peril is being reported out of Nashville, Tennessee.

According to an arrest warrant, police say 19-year-old Ali Miller locked her dog in a hot car with the windows rolled up.

Source: WKRN

A Metro Animal Control officer in the area saw the dog all alone and broke the window to the vehicle. He hoped to save the pup’s life by doing so, but it was too late.

The poor animal did not survive despite attempts by the fire department to save his life.

As a dog’s body heat increases, bodily functions break down. According to, the heart begins to fail, it pushes out less blood, and heat cannot get carried away.

Sadly, the blood pressure drops, blood settles in the organs, and the result is shock and death.

Source: Ian Battaglia/Unsplash

Miller was arrested on a felony charge of aggravated animal cruelty. She was jailed and received a $5,000 bond.

Please always seek help if you witness an animal in a hot vehicle all alone. More about this tragic story can be seen in the video here.


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