For dogs in the Big Apple, the subway is off-limits unless they fit into a bag or carrier (more specifically, according to the New York Times, “enclosed in a container and carried in a manner which would not annoy other passengers.”)
This means the carrier is on your lap, or the floor, and not taking up an adjoining seat or foot space. This applies to all NYC public transportation.
Small-to-medium dogs have options from a sling to a backpack to a cute shoulder bag. But what’s a big dog owner to do?
Well, intrepid New York dog owners have mastered the art of training even the biggest dogs into riding happily in a backpack or duffle. Color us impressed.
Pit bull in a bag
Pit bull owners know they’ve got it good.
Traveling in style
Have dog, will travel—with the right look, natch.
Yeah, I’m comfy
“Hold me, hold me, hold me!” – dogs.
Whatever you say, Dad
Huskies, why the cuteness all the time?
Dogs: always gotta be right next to you. No, really.