Mom On Holiday Says “Take Good Care Of Dog”, So The Son Sends Her The Perfect Video

When Garrett Johnson’s parents were heading out for a cruise, they had specific instructions for their young son, which was to take good care of Oscar, their family dog.

When his mom would keep asking him about Oscar, he decided to give them a creative video update!


In this homespun hilarious video, we see Oscar and Garrett have the best spontaneous fun in each other’s company. Our hearts buzz with joy as we see this pair cuddle and dance together, like happy angels!

Oscar turns out to be an entertaining dinner companion, as he makes Garrett laugh with his funny antics.

After dinner, they get more snacks, and they snuggle up together to watch a movie. They play some more, before finally rolling into their beds, content with a glorious day well spent!


Needless to say, Garrett’s parents were overjoyed to find this adorable video update. Later, as he posted this video to his Twitter, it blew up within hours, with even strangers dropping in to appreciate the sweet video!

Click the video below to watch the adorable Oscar spend a fun-filled day with Garrett!

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