Owner Dumps 5-Week-Old Puppy In Plastic Bag, Pup Found Crying & Covered In Worms

Workers at a dog shelter named “Dog Rescue Coolronan” come across an emaciated and helpless 5-week-old puppy named Bobby.

Bobby was wrapped in a plastic bag, covered in worms and left to die behind the bushes. He was suffocating, starving and crying for his mother.

Source: Dog rescue coolronan/Facebook

Bobby was initially taken to the vet, but they were unsure about his survival. Bobby had weak back legs and desperately needed his mother to sustain himself.

Chris Kelly, the administrator of the shelter, was heartbroken over Bobby’s plight. He decided to personally oversee Bobby’s care to make sure that he had a fair chance at survival.

Within a week, Bobby’s health has improved remarkably. He has developed a healthy appetite and he no longer looks skinny. The shelter says he forms a special bond with every human he meets!

Source: Dog rescue coolronan/Facebook

He was so sweet and friendly toward everyone he met, and the adoption applications came pouring in.

But in the end, Chris couldn’t let Bobby go as he has formed an inseparable bond with the sweet boy and decided to adopt him himself! He hopes that Bobby’s story of abandonment helps raise awareness about animal cruelty.

How perfect is that? We are happy for both of them to have found each other! 🙂

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