Owners Ask That Their Dog Be Put Down Because He Had “Bad Breath”

A young, healthy pup named Oso was adopted from the San Jose Animal Shelter. But he was neglected by his owners for so long that his teeth started to rot out of his mouth.

The owners returned him to the shelter and asked that they put him down for having “bad breath” and “bad teeth.”

Source: Tails of a Shelter Vet/YouTube

The teeth were so painful for Oso, and they had to remove 21 of them leaving behind just one single tooth.

But the next day, the dog woke up feeling much better and even allowed staff members to touch his face! He could now live and eat pain-free.

Source: Tails of a Shelter Vet/YouTube

Now healthy, his parents actually had the nerve to say they wanted him back! But animal control didn’t have the confidence that they’d properly care for the dog going forward.

So Oso was rehomed with a family who’d never neglect him like that again. 🙂

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