Angelic Pooch Becomes Devil Dog When Owner Says He Might Have Fleas

Fleas are the scourge of the earth as any dog owner can attest. A flea infestation can start with one tiny creature landing on your dog.

No one wants their dog to be affected by fleas, but some dogs are more sensitive to this topic than others.

Meet Petey, an adorable tiny Poodle who freaks out when his owners tell him he has fleas.

Source: Waggle TV/YouTube

With the camera rolling, his mom explains that Petey doesn’t like to think he has an “f-l-e-a.”

Yes, she spells the word because Petey goes ballistic if he thinks he has the nasty critters crawling on his body. She warns us to “watch what happens when he’s told he has one.”

His dad gently says, “Do you have any fleas on ya” and then the demure doggy lets the fur fly. He growls, snarls, and play barks at his dad.

Of course, it’s all in good fun and no one is harmed in the video. Petey simply does not want to be associated with F-L-E-A-S!

Even funnier is the fact that the pooch calms down when his dad says he does not have fleas.

Source: Waggle TV/YouTube

If ever a dog did not want to be in the same room with a flea, it’s definitely Petey. Check out his hysterical antics by pressing play on the video below.

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