Poor Woman Takes In Paralyzed Dog No One Wants Then Has To Let Him Go

Our dogs, like our children, are ours for the span of their lives for better and for worse. They cannot control what may happen to them and that includes disease and illness.

Source: SBSTV/Youtube

For one dog, named Bong, his life started out like most. He was active and happy. He was so well-trained that his owners allowed him to wander the neighborhood on his own (which is a common practice in this small village). He always came home. He spent most of his days playing at the park with other dogs.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, Bong woke up one morning and his back legs were paralyzed. Instead of getting him proper vet care, he was disgustingly put in a cardboard box and thrown away.

Thankfully a kind old woman heard his cries and came to rescue him. She was heartbroken. She even recognized the dog from the neighborhood.

Source: SBSTV/Youtube

She vowed to care for him day and night. The old woman is referred to as Grandma by all her neighbors. She’s such a sweetheart. She makes sure Bong is taken care of before she is. She cleans him and pads his hindquarters with a blanket and some handmade bandages.

Because he drags his legs when he’s on. . .  >> Click To Continue Reading This Story. . .

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