Baby Goat Dances Like No One’s Watching, His Cute Dorky Moves Will Win You Over

Animals are cute, but baby animals are even cuter with their naive, big-eyed faces filled with wonder!

In this adorable video, we see little pygmy goats skipping around doing a merry dance, and it is overflowing our heart with happy tingles!

Source: ModjeskaMan/YouTube

The pygmy goats in this video are just weeks old. They express their joy by dancing around the farm, looking like fiery little balls of energy while they are at it.

For nearly two minutes, we see nothing but these kids spin, twist, tumble and jump to break into some dorky dance moves.

They look like little animated plush toys running on batteries as they put their contagious happiness on display with this sweet routine!

Source: ModjeskaMan/YouTube

The goats in this farm live in a safe and nurturing environment, which gives them enough freedom to play with their siblings and be themselves.

Happy goats just love expressing their joy through rhythm and these babies are no different. We bet you won’t be able to stop smiling while watching this cuteness overload!

Click the video below to watch the baby pygmy goats do their happy dance!

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