Rescuers Find Two Puppy Sisters Lying In The Road And Approach To Investigate

Animal Aid Unlimited received a call about two stray puppy sisters lying in the road who’d been attacked by a wild animal.

Charlotte was too injured to move with deep holes around her leg, and Lucy had an injured and swollen neck.

Rescuers carefully picked up and loaded the two dogs into their vehicle and transported them back to be examined and treated.

Both of the pups had deep and painful puncture wounds that needed treatment right away. The sisters received antibiotics and all of the love and care they could possibly handle. 🙂

Charlotte and Lucy were brave little sisters to defend themselves from such an animal attack, but it nearly took their lives.

But thanks to Animal Aid Unlimited and all of the donations made by people like you, the dogs were able to be saved! Here’s how Charlotte and Lucy are doing today. 🙂

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