Woman “Buys” Dog Online, Seller Tried To Bribe Her When She Smelled Him

Avid animal lover, Kelly Benzel, was eager to adopt a dog to add to her family. She didn’t want to buy a dog from a breeder knowing plenty of dogs needed good homes.

Kelly then saw a Facebook post featuring a Pit Bull mix that needed a new home and the person was only asking $50 for him. Kelly felt an immediate connection to the dog in the photos.

Source: CreepyWorld/YouTube

Kelly messaged the person who posted the dog on Facebook and made arrangements to meet the dog right away.

As soon as Kelly met the dog, named Rocco, it was truly love at first sight. She handed the person $50 and put Rocco in her car.

Source: CreepyWorld/YouTube

As Kelly drove home, she noticed that Rocco smelled pretty bad. At first, she figured he needed a good bath.

Then she realized this wasn’t a hygiene problem. Rocco had something more sinister going on. That is when she pulled over her car to check him out.

She removed his harness which revealed a gaping wound. The smell was coming from a massive infection that was hidden purposely by his harness. What kind of person would do that?!

Source: CreepyWorld/YouTube

Kelly drove straight to the vet. The gash measured 6 inches in length and was 1.5 inches deep. This was no small cut. The harness had also grown into his skin from never being taken off.

It was embedded in the wound and needed to be removed. The vet speculated the harness itself could have caused the wound but it’s uncertain.

Source: CreepyWorld/YouTube

When Kelly got home, she contacted the seller of the dog. She was obviously upset and explained what had happened.

The seller said that the previous owner, his roommate, would pay Rocco’s vet bills if she didn’t contact the authorities.

But Kelly wasn’t having it! She called the police as soon as she hung up with the seller.

Source: CreepyWorld/YouTube

The previous owner claimed that Rocco continuously ran away so they had no choice but to leave the harness on, but the police weren’t buying their excuses.

They were both charged with the mistreatment of an animal. The conviction comes with a hefty fine and possible jail time.

Source: CreepyWorld/YouTube

Rocco should NEVER have had to suffer in the first place but at least now he’s in a happy home where he will never be mistreated again! See the entire story in the video below.

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