Selfless Giant Schnauzer Gives Hospital Children a New Leash of Life

Ralf is a larger-than-life Schnauzer changing the lives of kids in Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital in a big way.

Here in the picture below, you can see Ralf bringing a smile to 15-month-old Zeke Harrison, who has a rare genetic disorder where his body is unable to break down protein and too much can kill him.

This pup is doing amazing things from spending time with kids recovering from operations to helping them perform tasks such as walking around the hospital ward.

Ralf also spends time snuggling with children receiving chemotherapy treatment.

He even has his very own id tag!

With his big ears, happy face, and soft fur, this pup is bringing some sunshine to little dog lovers. And, he even managed to get Claire Couwenberg to walk with him since her serious kidney surgery.

Claire’s mother told The Sydney Herald (via The Daily Mail) that her daughter’s experience with Ralf was life changing: “As soon as she saw him, she stood up, and she very slowly, very wobbly, got on her feet started to walk, and now you can’t stop her..”

Ralf is proof that therapy pups have a much larger impact on illness and recovery than we ever thought possible. Many dogs like Ralf visit the Royal Children’s Hospital and work miracles every day. High paws for Ralf!

H/t via The Meta Picture

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