Sandi the 12-year-old dog had spent over 6 years of her life at the Marion-Grant County Humane Society. 2,461 days, to be exact! She was already used to life at the shelter, but the staff knew she deserved so much more.
Her wait finally came to an end when she was adopted by a kind couple. The day she went to her forever home was a celebration complete with a crown and red carpet!
Image: @mgchs/Facebook
Sandi’s Life at the Shelter
Sandi first arrived at the shelter when she was found as a stray about 6 years ago. She was a happy, healthy dog, but for some reason people kept overlooking her. She enjoyed playing with the staff at the shelter, but she kept dreaming of a forever home.
The shelter staff said that Sandi basically ran the place. She had been there longer than many of their employees have, so she was the boss.
Image: @mgchs/Facebook
Sandi’s life finally made a change for the better when Erin and Carrie Rhodes came to visit her. Their dog had recently passed away, so they were looking for a new family member to rescue. As soon as they met Sandi, they fell in love. They said they couldn’t stop thinking about her.
So, the couple adopted Sandi not long after. They put an adorable crown on her head and let her walk to the car in style. Everyone cheered her on and gave her plenty of love as she headed off to her new home. Her tail wagged the entire time.
Image: @mgchs/Facebook
Her Loving New Home!
Sandi has already quickly adjusted to her new home. Her new parents have spoiled her with lots of love, and she really is a happy pup.
She even has her own Instagram page now where her family can post pictures and updates on her. All the adorable posts are written from Sandi’s point of view. She’s clearly having the time of her life.
Image: @adventures_of_sandi/Instagram
6 years is a long time to sit at a shelter, but it was all worth it in the end. Many dogs like Sandi spend a lot of time waiting for their forever homes, but they never give up hope.
Next time you consider adopting a dog, meet with the older dogs and the ones that have been there the longest. You could greatly change their lives for the better.
Marion-Grant County Humane Society still has about 80 dogs and 200 cats in need of a home. If you’re looking for a new furry friend in Indiana, please visit this shelter and see if any of them are a good fit for your family. Hopefully none of them will have to wait as long as Sandi.
Image: @adventures_of_sandi/Instagram
Stay for one more story:
12 Things You’re Doing That Your Dog Hates:
For most people, dogs are not just our pets, they are our family members. When you bring a dog into your life, things just seem to get a lot more exciting.
There’s few things that are better than coming home after a long day of work and having your beloved furbaby happily greet you at the door.
While we love our pups and they love us back unconditionally, there are a few “annoying habits” that our dogs may not really like.
U.S. Air Force/Airman 1st Class Isaiah J. Soliz
Here are 12 pet peeves that many dogs have, according to Bright Side:
Hugging- While it’s hard to resist giving our pups a big squeeze, many dogs feel restricted and consider it a controlling act.
Using words more than body language- Of course, dogs can understand a select few words, but we all know that they can’t comprehend every single thing we are saying. Because of this, dogs tend to watch our body language to understand what we are trying to tell them.
Patting their heads– Similar to the hugging, many dogs don’t like when their personal space is invaded. Most would prefer being pet on their back or even scratched behind their ears.
Keeping eye contact– Looking straight into a dog’s eyes without blinking, especially a dog you don’t know, may come across as an act of assertion or dominance. If you’re meeting a new dog for the first time, it’s important not to make strong eye contact right off the bat.
Lacking rules and structure- Since it’s not always easy for dogs and humans to communicate with each other with words, it’s important for them to have rules and structure so that they can feel more comfortable in a routine and have trust in you.
Keeping them on a tight leash- If you hold the leash too tightly, it can make the pup feel stressed or uneasy.
Not letting them explore and smell- The majority of dogs love to see the world around them instead of being cooped up inside all day. They enjoy sniffing around and visiting new places. Keeping them inside and not letting them explore could make them feel depressed or isolated.
Forcing them to interact with dogs/people they don’t like- Putting your dog in an uncomfortable position can end up badly for either them, or for the dog/person that they feel uncomfortable around. Even if your dog is not aggressive, they may act in a defensive manner if they’re forced to be near someone they don’t want to interact with.
Being tense- Pets are very good at sensing our moods and feelings, so if we are tense and stressed, our dogs may start to feel that way too.
Being boring- Dogs are energetic, playful animals and love to have some excitement in their lives. They can feel lonely easily if left home alone all day, so it’s important to show them attention and play with them whenever you get the chance.
Exposing them to strong smells- A dog’s smell is nearly 40 times greater than ours, so certain fragrances like air fresheners or cleaning sprays that may not affect us, could really bother them. Make sure to keep things like this a good distance from them.
Bathing them- While not all dogs dread bath time, many of them do. Using a slip-resistant mat at the bottom of the tub could help them feel more comfortable. The temperature of the water should be lukewarm, not too hot and not too cold.
U.S. Air Force/Tech. Sgt. Bennie J. Davis III
Of course, our dogs will love us unconditionally no matter what, but paying attention to the things that bother them could help strengthen the relationship you share with them even more!
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