Senior Rescue Pug Gets Spoiled By His New Family

Oh, and sometimes he even smiles.

Mariesa Hughes

The best news of all is that Mariesa and Chris Hughes have decided to keep Franklin permanently. “He fit very well into our pack, and our home is accessible to him, as he has difficulty with stairs due to his back issues,” Mariesa said. “And he has taken a liking to me.”

Mariesa and Frank | Mariesa Hughes

“Franklin is just one of hundreds of seniors who are surrendered [in shelters] or found as strays,” Mariesa said. “He is just one of the lucky ones to get out alive – hundreds of dogs are euthanized every day after being given up by the only family they have known.”

Mariesa Hughes

Fortunately, Franklin now has a second chance because of Mariesa and Chris Hughes, and the Mr. Mo Project.

Mariesa Hughes

To learn more about the Mr. Mo Project and all of the wonderful things its staff does to help rescue senior dogs, please visit its website. Be sure to follow the organization on Facebook and Instagram to see the adventures of Franklin and his siblings.

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