Shelter dog sneaks out of kennel, throws himself a late-night party until the cops show up

Shelter dog sneaks out of kennel, throws himself a late-night party until the cops show up

Animal shelters take in all kinds of dogs with all sorts of personalities, and sometimes they end up with quite a rebellious type who plays by his own rules.

Like one clever dog named King, who managed to sneak out of his kennel and threw a “late night party” that was caught in a hilarious viral video.

The late night surprise recently occured at Lost Our Home Pet Rescue, a nonprofit rescue in Tempe, Arizona.

“The alarm went off. It was like, you know, 12 o’clock, 1 o’clock in the morning and I immediately looked to see what was going on and couldn’t find anything happening,” founder Jodi Polanski told FOX 4.

“Then I saw the mess, and I was like, oh my God.”

Security footage revealed the culprit was a shelter dog named King, who figured out how to sneak out of his kennel and open up the door to the main office.

He even reportedly opened up some of the other kennels, as if freeing his fellow shelter dogs for an after-hours party.

While none of the other dogs joined him, King made the most of his night out by stealing some food and drinks, making quite a mess in the process.

But like any truly wild late night party, the cops soon arrived to shut things down. King triggered the shelter alarm, prompting a visit by an anonymous Tempe Police officer, who “arrests” King and gets him back safe in his kennel.

Video also shows the officer going above and beyond by staying to clean up the mess King made. “I had no idea the officer was going to clean up, and I saw it, and I was just like, wow, amazing man that he did that,” Polanski told FOX 4.

Watch the video below:

In other good news, King has been adopted, according to a comment by the shelter under the video. Hopefully his new family keeps a close eye on this rebel dog so he doesn’t throw any more late night ragers!

Lost Our Home Pet Rescue is a nonprofit that specializes in temporary pet care for families in crisis, providing a safe place for their pets while they get back on their feet.

What a funny video! This is one clever dog, and we’re so glad he’s been adopted! Definitely a night this rescue will never forget.

Please share this story if you love dogs!


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