Police Officer Shatters Window To Free Pit Bull From Hot Car

Police officers in Spain came to the rescue of a dog after he was left in a hot car. Although it’s not clear how long the Pit Bull was left in the vehicle, it was serious enough for the Guardia Civil to have to break the car window to free the dog.

The moment the glass breaks, the relieved dog’s face pops out. The dog is so frantic to get out of the vehicle that he crawls through the shattered window, but fortunately he does not get any scrapes on his belly from the glass, although the officer wasn’t as lucky.

Related: Police Officer Makes Woman Sit In Hot Car After She Left Her Dog In The Car

It is clear the dog is in distress from the heat and is panting heavily so the officers immediately pull him over into the shade and give him water. The dog’s owner is now facing a misdemeanor charge of animal abuse. Officers shared a video of the dog’s rescue on Facebook as a reminder to pet owners to leave their pets at home and not in their cars in warm weather.

The dog was lucky that police arrived when they did! Please share this Pittie’s rescue with your family and friends!

Rescate Pitbull

#Grandes nuestros compañeros de #Aspe (Alicante) al rescatar a un pitbull que se encontraba encerrado en el interior de un coche a pleno sol.Con su intervención y la de la Sociedad Protectora de Animales del Medio Vinalopó, de #Elda, se evitó una desgracia mayor.Ahora la propietaria del perro se enfrenta a una acusación de un delito leve de maltrato animal.No nos cansamos de repetirlo, si sales de tu coche y llevas a tu mascota NUNCA la dejes encerrada dentro y menos en verano y a pleno sol.

Posted by Guardia Civil on Friday, July 8, 2016

This rescue reminds me of another recent near miss when officers saved a dog who was nearly died from hanging after trying to get out of a car.

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