He Wept Every Night For His Brother So They Got Him A Pillow With His Face On It

Love is a powerful emotion. And just like humans, dogs feel love and give love. We know this well. In fact, it could be said that dogs have the ability to love deeper. Maybe that’s true.

Beth Fisher, dog mom to Rocky and Spencer, can attest to that. “They had never spent a night apart,” she told The Dodo.



Rocky and Spencer have been mates, best friends, and siblings for 10 long years. They were totally inseparable. “Rocky and Spencer slept in the same bed, ate from the same bowl and always walked together when they went out,” Fisher said.



Sadly tragedy struck. Rocky got very sick and was in tremendous pain. Fisher took him for treatment. The vet determined he had a large cancerous growth that was too far gone to treat. Instead of prolonging Rocky’s suffering, the family opted to have him put down.

“It was hard to process Rocky’s sudden death, but we can’t imagine how hard it must be for Spencer to have lost his little brother.”

Spencer did not handle the transition well. Life without Rocky proved difficult. “Since Rocky passed, Spencer has been getting up in the night to wander the house looking for his brother,” Fisher said. “And then he starts crying because he can’t find him.”



They put Rocky’s ashes close to where the pair slept together but of course that brought little comfort to Spencer. The distraught dog needed more. So Spencer’s granddad, Fisher’s father, bought Spencer a pillow with Rocky’s face on it.



Instantly Spencer took to the pillow. While it’s no substitute, it seems to be easing a little of Spencer’s pain. “Spencer has been cuddling into the pillow since it arrived, carrying it from the sofa to his own bed,” Fisher said. “He seems a lot more settled now he’s got something to cuddle into.”



The grieving dog no longer has to sleep alone. His best friend will always be right by his side.



RIP, Sweet Rocky.


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