Dying Man Has A Final Wish To Find His Dogs A Good Home

A terminally ill man has one final wish: to find his dogs a good new home. Bobby Lynn Brockman was told he is dying, but all the selfless man can think about is finding his dogs a loving family before he goes.

Fox 26 Houston

Bobby has prostate cancer which metastasized. He had to have his tongue removed. The cancer had gone into remission for almost a year before returning to his mouth and bones. According to Fox 26 Houston, he underwent 110 radiation treatments and 12 rounds of chemotherapy. But even after all of that, doctors saw no way that his condition could improve.

“There is no cure for it, there’s no cure,” Bobby told Fox 26. “They sent me home with pain medication and gave me a hospital bed.”

Fox 26 Houston

Knowing his days are numbered, the man wants nothing more than the peace of mind knowing his dogs will be with a loving family for the rest of their lives.

“Those dogs are like family to me. They’re my kids,” he said. “They adopted me more than I adopted them.”

Adopt A Rescued Friend

He has four large dogs, and one had just given birth. And one of the other dogs is expecting.

Adopt A Rescued Friend has stepped up to help Bobby see that his final wish comes true.

“We’ve got to find a way to help him, we’ve just got to,” Karen Wakefield of AARF said. “We just want to help him have some peace of mind and be at peace.”

You can help by simply sharing this post. Or if you’d like to adopt the dogs, you can visit the Adopt A Rescued Friend website.

h/t Shared

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