Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Rabbit Dachshunds

Rabbit Dachshund – the smallest representative of the hunting dogs, called dachshund, which was bred to hunt rabbits instead ferrets albino.

The smallest species of dogs of this breed was formed and fixed closer the end of the XIX century. They got the look, character and habits which are similar with dwarf representatives of the breed.

By creating a copy of the smallest breed of dachshund, breeders joined the blood of the toy-terriers and miniature pinschers.

Initially, they were actively used for hunting on rabbits, hares and other small animals, but after a while the rabbit dachshunds as well as dwarf, began to acquire the status of decorative dogs and rarely used as working animals.

Despite this, even today, if you desire, is possible to develop all the qualities which are needed to four hand hunter.

The smallest in the breed of dachshund dogs have an average weight of about 3.5 kg, the height at the withers – 10-15 cm, and the volume of the chest is equal to 30 cm, which makes them the leading specialists in the field of the rabbits hunting, in which you must overcome the very narrow passages. All of these norms come into force only at the age of 1.5 years.

Rabbit dachshund Shorthair:

Small size does not say about the weakness of these dogs.

Rabbit Dachshund – are animals with a harmonious physique, strong bones and well developed muscles. Their look is a standard for all kind of dachshund: elongated, compact, muscular body and strong short limbs. Forefeet of dogs are larger than back feet and are well developed, which plays an important role in the hunt when the little hunter has to go through a hole covered with earth. The elongated snout evenly tapers to the tip of the nose. The medium-sized eyes, dark hazel color, are oval in shape. Rounded at the edges ears are quite high, and planted hanging.

Tiny smallest representatives of dachshund according to type of hair are divided into three groups: short-haired, characterized with a short and smooth hair; rough hair – with thick close fitting hair, underhair, small beard, mustache and eyebrows; longhair – owners of a beautiful soft slightly wavy hair, longer on ears, neck, torso, at the back of the limbs and tail.

Colors of rabbit dachshunds practical do not differ from the standard ones and depend on the type of dog hair. Wirehaired representatives of the breed have no restrictions in the color palette. In palette of the short-haired individuals are acceptable different shades of red (from yellow to mahogany) and sable color (inclusions of hair with black tips), deer and tan colors. Are allowed combinations of chocolate, black or gray with white markings on the front and back legs. Dachshunds with tan color usually has bright spots on both sides of the snout, above the eyes, on the chest, legs, upper part of limbs and in other places. They can also have marble color – gray, brown, light-colored or white, with red, dark brown, black or red spots. All valid for short-haired dachshunds colors are acceptable for representatives of type of rabbit dachshund with longhair.

Movement of tiny dogs of this breed are full of freedom, the posture is very proud, and head is always raised high, which creates a special impression by meeting with them. The small size does not disturb to rabbit dachshund be energetic and courageous dogs. By their nature they are very friendly, balanced and independent animals with dignity. Curiosity, mischief and fun character – one of the key characteristics of the breed. They are always happy to come to the game and cheer up everyone who is nearby. Their character is usually a little softer than in at big individuals.

Rabbit dachshund – is a smart, purposeful, courageous, tireless hunting dog with great flair. Hunting – is the main vocation of her life. It is perfect in the role of caretaker, since it has a ringing and a loud voice. However, most part of dogs of this breed comes as loyal companions with what they very successfully cope. Dachshunds – are affectionate and funny animals, but as a rule, property owners and very jealous. Belonging to the hunting dogs suggests to some disobedience and willfulness, that is why you need to take quite seriously the issues of taming and training.

Rabbit dachshund easily adapt to any conditions, undemanding, hardy, have a stable nervous system, excellent health, and quickly adapt to each member of the family, what makes them a perfect pets.

Rabbit dachshund feel themselves very good in a city conditions, do not require large maintenance costs, without difficulty accustomed to the tray, eliminating of the need for frequent walking. Note, however, that they are very fond of long walks. They are easy to transport and get along very well with other pets.

Like all dachshunds, the smallest of their relatives are very intelligent and clever, but never forget rude attitude towards to them. Wrong approach to the education greatly spoil the character of the pet: he may become rebellious, stubborn, do minor mischief, he can show arrogant and lacking of respect attitude. For disobedience most properly and effectively punish is to neglect. Often playful rabbit dachshund refuses to perform certain commands, displaying a specific sense of humor by this, which many owners of dogs of this breed say. If you take the training of dachshund patiently, with love and enthusiasm, the result does not take long time and will bring great benefits.

Rabbit dachshund – is an ideal home dog whose presence will certainly give great satisfaction and light mood, even to those people who do not have experience of communication with four-leg younger brothers.

The average life expectancy of dachshunds is 12-15 years. Speaking about cares of rabbit dachshund, it should be noted that it does not include any complicated procedures. Skin and hair should be maintained in accordance with popular standards: bathing and cleaning with comb or a brush once a week. Long-haired representatives of breed need periodic combing and visits to special salons for animals, which provides a full range of care for hair. The owners, who already have some experience of caring for long-haired dogs, may by themselves perfectly cope with all the necessary procedures for the health of hair.

Socialization of the smallest representatives of the dachshunds breed runs very smoothly, they quickly get used to the cleanliness and to friendly attitude towards all family members, including cats. It is advisable regularly go out for a walk with rabbit dachshund and organize participation in hunting. It is important not to feed over normal condition the animals and also keep tracking of their active games, so they less hopped both downwards and upwards, because this can lead to the displacement of the spine.

Cost for a puppy of breed of rabbit dachshund can vary from 300 to 800 US dollars.

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