Dog And Owner Take A Moment After Tornado Tears Down Their Home

Just as a tornado was about to blow through Logan County, Arkansas, the Dunlap’s cable flickered out. They wondered what was going on and stepped outside to some eerie quietness.

Bruce and Ona headed to the storm shelter not knowing that just minutes later, their house would be flattened.

Julie Moore

Ona rushed to their housemate’s room to help the handicapped man get to shelter as Bruce looked for their four cats and two dogs.

Ladybug the cat was missing and their dog Dasha refused to go outside, so they were forced to leave without them.

By the time they got to the shelter, Bruce could hardly get the door to shut because of the wind.

Julie Moore

The tornado blew through the area destroying their house. They returned the next day in the daylight to survey the damage, and it was bad.

Then, a familiar and furry face emerged from the wreckage… It was Dasha! Ona grabbed ahold of her and said, “I’m sorry. We’re here.”

Julie Moore

The two shared a moment during this sweet reunion, and Julie Moore, a friend of the couple, took out her phone to snap some photos. And those photos said more than any amount of words ever could.

But the family was still missing their cat Ladybug.

Julie Moore

It wasn’t long before the wet and cold cat walked up to mom. She was shaking and scared. Ona brushed the debris out of her fur and gave her a hug.

Julie Moore

It’ll be a while before the Dunlaps are settled again. But they are counting their blessings and feel so lucky to have made it through the night along with their pets.

The community has their back and is willing to help in any way they can. For now, they all have each other.

h/t – The Dodo

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