The World Keeps Breaking Our Hearts, Here’s Something To Mend Them

We can’t speak for everyone but it seems, in many ways, that the world is falling apart. There’s so much violence. There’s a gaping division among us due to political beliefs. Some days we wake up and the world doesn’t feel like it did before. It feels sad. Empty. Just wrong. That is why this article is so important. This article proves that humanity still has a chance. That there’s still good in the world. That there’s still love.

Here are 10 heartwarming, tear-jerking photos that will warm even the coldest hearts. To see all of them, scroll down and watch the video below! It’s so worth it!

#1 This is Tony, he refused to leave his human’s side after he had a bad fall while pruning a tree. Medical personnel couldn’t separate them. Tony is proof that LOVE is the most powerful emotion on earth!

#2 This is a very special dog! His blood is life-saving! He’s donating it to a very sick puppy in need. He’s a little scared so he brought his favorite plushie along. No worries, both dogs are totally okay.

#3 This gorilla is grieving the loss of his mother. His caretaker refused to leave his side until he was doing a little better and agreed to eat something.

#4 This pup was very sad to have to wear a cone on his head, but someone who loves him very much was ready and willing to cheer him up!

#5 This adorable puppy fell asleep with his owner on a park bench when his dad got tired after a long walk.

#6 A neighbor left this note on a car to make sure the driver knew who was lying beneath his truck tire, just in case.

#7 This one doesn’t need a caption 😭 or an explanation.

#8 This generous woman, with a giant heart, comes to the animal shelter several times a week to read to the dogs. It helps them feel less alone.

#9 The cat on the left in the photo is pregnant. This is how they sleep every single day!

#10 Here is a firefighter giving oxygen to save a baby hamster’s life.

While some days prove that humanity still needs improvement, at least we know that there is hope. Share this article with others so they’re reminded too!

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