Locals See Truck Full Of Dogs Heading To A Meat Farm And Follow To Intervene

There’s nothing better than a good rescue story, and this is one of the biggest ones yet. And there’s a little surprise at the end. 😉

Facebook/Little Adoption Shop

The dogs did nothing wrong but were on their way to an unthinkable end.

Facebook/Humane Society International

They were being taken to a dog meat festival in the Jilin province of northeastern China.

Facebook/Little Adoption Shop

The residents couldn’t sit back and let it happen, so they took to social media and notified animal rights groups to spread the word.

Facebook/Little Adoption Shop

A team was assembled and they followed the truck until authorities could arrive.

Facebook/Guardians Of Chinese Animal Protection

The 300 dogs aboard the truck were about to be tortured and killed because of a sick, outdated tradition. But thankfully, these heroes intervened.

Facebook/Guardians Of Chinese Animal Protection

【724 Shenyang Jin Fu Rescue went success】On 24th, July . Chinese Activists have stopped a truck filled with 300 dogs. After the Police and Quarantine inspection officers have taken over the truck, as usual the owner can not provide legitimate quarantine & vaccination certificates! now the dog dealers has gave up the ownership, All the dogs have been rescued . We will keep you updated .http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI0MTQ2ODIzNg==&mid=2247483720&idx=1&sn=abc53239b50252163c94dd5b98785cb3&scene=2&srcid=0725bPbL2cLMWCNXWD6RF1MD&from=timeline&isappinstalled=0#wechat_redirect

Posted by Guardians of Chinese Animal Protection 守护者 on Sunday, July 24, 2016

The truck was pulled over and the owner could not provide legitimate quarantine and vaccination certificates, so the dogs were handed over to the police!

Facebook/Human Society International

Facebook/Guardians Of Chinese Animal Protection

To add to the festival’s unthinkable details, it’s presumed that some of the dogs in the meat trade are stolen from happy homes. Just sickening.

Facebook/Guardians Of Chinese Animal Protection

Facebook/Guardians Of Chinese Animal Protection

No one wants to think about the despicable things these dogs would’ve gone through, and now we don’t have to.

Facebook/Guardians Of Chinese Animal Protection

And for an unbelievable surprise, one dog gave birth while rescuers were unloading the truck!

Facebook/Humane Society International

All of the dogs (and newborn puppies!) are now safe thanks to the amazing work of everyone involved. And it all started with that first call to action.

Facebook/Humane Society International

Sometimes all it takes is a group of people who care.

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