Woman Caught UPS Drivers Abnormal Behavior With Her Dogs, Exploits His Act For World To See

Package delivery trucks are a frequent sight for most of us. Usually we see the driver park their big truck, drop off the package, and be on their way just as quickly as they came. In short, it is all about efficiency and quickness.

But every once in a while, we hear of a story where this impersonal daily interaction becomes a little more engaging thanks to a few rare employees who take the time to be more human than delivery robots.

In Athens, Louisiana, Staci Speer Burns has three dogs that she loves dearly. On most days, Staci finds her dogs waiting for the UPS truck with equal anticipation as her own.

Daniel Kidd, who drives that UPS truck has a lot to do with it!

While we are all familiar with the funny and fretful stories of the mailman and his (un)likability with pet dogs, for Staci and her three furry friends, the experience is quite different when Daniel comes down the street in the brown UPS truck.

Apparently, Daniel has a very affectionate and friendly relationship with the three pups, and on this particular day, Staci decided to take a video which she posted on her Facebook page. Along with the video, Staci said:

“When you have the best UPS man on the planet…”

Well, seeing just how playful and sweet Daniel is with the dogs, the video went viral as friends and strangers shared it over and over again. By now, the video has been viewed over a million times. Actually, it is more like 1.4 million times.

Staci later told Buzzfeed that she originally recorded this video, with Daniel is sitting on the driveway trying to take a selfie with the dogs as they jump around him, to simply share it with her husband and let him know just how “spoilt” their three dogs Reba, Buster, and Jade are.

Little did she know that others too would be so smitten with it! Apparently, Daniel has many dog friends in the neighborhood and he is always making sure to take the time to say hello to them!

Without further ado, here is the viral video of Daniel and the pups!

And apparently, it is proving good for business as well, as Daniel claimed that these pets aren't as friendly when other delivery companies pull up their trucks – and the pet owners seem to recognize that!

It is always a heartwarming experience to see ordinary interactions that go unnoticed on most days become a source of pleasure for pets and people alike. Staci's dogs are truly very lucky to have a friend in Daniel, and for Daniel, what a wonderful way to add a little bit of happiness to a rather monotonous job!

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